






· 19977月,北京航空航天大学,获航空发动机学士学位。

· 20003月,北京航空航天大学,获航空宇航推进理论与工程硕士学位。

· 20055月,佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology),获航空工程博士学位。


· 20056月 - 2020年2月通用电气公司(GE Company)。

· 2020年3月 - 至今,复旦大学。



· 复杂系统高精度建模与仿真、设计与优化

· 多层级多物理场耦合试验、诊断、预测与控制

· 高端装备智能运维与健康管理



· 航空发动机及燃气轮机系统仿真与优化体系集成

· 航空发动机热力性能衰退与气路故障诊断技术研究

· 重型燃气轮机全寿命周期高精度性能仿真等


· 科技部评审专家

· 教育部评审专家

· 上海市科学技术奖会评专家

· 上海市航空学会空气动力学专业委员会委员

· 上海市航空学会航空机械工程专业委员会委员

· 上海市航空学会技术经济专业委员会委员

· 上海市航空发动机数字孪生重点实验室外部专家等


· Transient gas path fault diagnosis of aero engine based on domain adaptive offline reinforcement learning[J], Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 155, Part 32024109701

· A novel method for aero-engine map calibration using adaptation factor surface[J], Measurement, Volume 239,2025,115394

· A novel approach to aeroengine performance diagnosis based on physical model coupling data-driven using low-rank multimodal fusion method[J], Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 2024, 8:334–348

· A Novel Performance Adaptation Method For Aero-Engine Matching Using Adaptation Factor Surface[J]. Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 2024, 8: 154–165

· 基于自适应因子曲面的航空发动机过渡态性能自适应方法[J], 复旦学报(自然科学版),2024,Vol.63 No.6

· A Novel Performance Adaptation Method For Aero-Engine Matching Using Adaptation Factor Surface[C], Proceedings of Global Power and Propulsion Society, Hongkong, 2023,10

· A novel approach to aeroengine performance diagnosis based on physical model coupling data-driven using low-rank multimodal fusion method[C], Proceedings of Global Power and Propulsion Society, Hongkong, 2023,10

· A Novel Digital Twin Framework for Aeroengine Performance Diagnosis[J]. Aerospace, 2023,10(9), 789

· Engine gas path component fault diagnosis based on a sparse deep stacking network[J]. Heliyon, 2023, 9(1), e19252

· Data-Driven Exhaust Gas Temperature Baseline Predictions for Aeroengine Based on Machine Learning Algorithms[J]. Aerospace, 2023, 10(1), 17

· Probability-based service safety life prediction approach of raw and treated turbine blades regarding combined cycle fatigue[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 110: 106513.

· Probabilistic analyses of structural dynamic response with modified Kriging-based moving extremum framework[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021, 125:105398.

· Competitive cracking behavior and microscopic mechanism of Ni-based superalloy blade respecting accelerated CCF failure[J]. International Journal of Fatigue2021150106306.

· Enhanced network learning model with intelligent operator for the motion reliability evaluation of flexible mechanism[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 107: 106342.

· Structural dynamic reliability estimation with enhanced extremum Kriging method[C]. 2020 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2020), October 8th-11th, 2020, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.

· A sequential approach for gas turbine power plant preventive maintenance scheduling[J], Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power. 128, n.4, 2006: 796-805. 

· A profit based approach for gas turbine power plant outage planning[J]. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, 128, n.4, 2006: 806-814.

· An integrated framework for gas turbine power plant operational modeling and optimization[C]. Proceedings of GT2005, ASME Turbo Expo 2005: Power for Land, Sea and Air, June 6-9, 2005, Reno-Tahoe, Nevada.  

· Power plant systems operational scheduling using a dual-time scale[C]. 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2004, Albany, New York.

· Modeling and cost optimization of combined cycle heat recovery generator systems[C]. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Power of Land, Sea, and Air, June 16-19, 2003, Atlanta, Georgia.

· /跨音风扇气动设计体系有关流动模型改进探讨[J]. 航空动力学报, 14卷第1期,19991